Book cover

Sunday, June 15, 2014
The Logs chap 17-22
It’s May 22nd, 2014 and I am in none other than Starbucks
writing to you all out there! But I am not in Starbucks off of Biscayne Blvd or
Lincoln road in Miami… But yet in a Starbucks in California!! It has been 2
years since I have written not because I didn’t want too, but I just had to
slow down a little since I was trying to do so many things as one person from
trying to learn more about music, too trying to get a short film together to
even try and get a clothing line
started. Only one thing I learned is you can’t become better at something or
actually knock down doors until you focus on one aspect and hone your skills
and management. So with that being said I stopped and concentrated on my music
career. Talking of music just the thought or even the pronunciation of the word
brings such joy and emotion and memories. I don’t cognize where to even start
telling you what I have conquered and been through in pursuit of my goals and
dreams so I’m just going to pick a thought and just work with it. I know where
I left off was gearing up to travel to New York for a show at Webster Hall
where I was moving to do so let’s rewind back to 2012. So my best friend Erix
and I went there and just being in the Bronx was awesome because there was so
much culture and bravado there you could scarcely feel it in the breeze. Fast
forward to the day of the show my boy Erix is calling people in the cool NY
swag I can hear him “ Yoyoyea yea tell everybody on the block to come if they
want I just gotta check and see if we got enough tickets though” meanwhile his
cousin is trying to avoid having his girl go so he’s on his phone like “I dunno
if we goan have enough tickets though so yea you might have to just chill and
we pick you up after” and just seeing this going on was so cool I felt like I
was in the movie “paid in full” because of how they were on their phones and it
was so much New York swag going on lol good times. So we are on the way to
Webster Hall so I can perform so were all getting hyped meanwhile this will be
my first time performing ever!!! I am deathly nervous because for one I don’t
have any of my own music like original music and two my first time performing
is in New York in front of a packed crowd!! So we pull up and it’s a huge mob
trying to get in and tons of acts and everyone has snapbacks on Jordan’s and
Lebron’s and Ewing sneakers as well. Some with chains on and everyone is a
super hip hop and I’m walking up with leopard print Christian louboutin loafers
and an all black suit with a low cut black fitted tee under the blazer. So we
all get together all the people Erix invited and were inside and the show has
50 cent’s host from “”as the host. And he comes up and speaks and
gets everyone excited and the show starts and with every inkling of a second I
am getting more and more terrified because I am seeing everyone performing
their music and while some are not so good there are some who are and you can
hear how seasoned they are as rappers not so much as artists because I
personally don’t quite see all rappers as artists. But nonetheless they are
seasoned as performers and they know exactly who they are. While I hadn’t been
doing this that long yet to quite know myself fully. So within no time the host
calls me up and my heart drops and everyone are looking like who is this with
the name Cody Tyler?! They didn’t ask it, but as I’m making my way to the stage
I can see the expressions on their faces, especially the black people, as I
glance back as I walk up the steps I see three black dudes faces and I remember
it like it was yesterday they looked with faces like “yeah right” or please he
doesn’t rap. But before I could even begin to gather myself the DJ says “wait,
wait we gotta problem, the CD doesn’t play and I don’t have an email with the
track so I can’t get it from my Mac book” So he has all this expensive
equipment but yet he can’t get it to work. So the host says “Cody will be back,
but right now he has technical difficulties”. So others perform and I am just
so distraught and nervous, but then I hear the DJ “Cody comes back we ready for
you!” So I go back and my boy Erix gives me “dap” and says “you got this Nigga
go kill it”. I go up and I look at the huge crowd which was my first mistake
and I got so much fear over my body I was frozen!!! I hear one person in the
crowd yell out “whachugoan spit bout?!” in a sarcastic voice and then another
yells “I see them louboutons!” So the beat starts and I started rapping, but
closed my eyes so I didn’t have to look at anyone and as I go through the 1stverse
I slur words a little, but as I get through I started feeling it and then on
the second verse I spit very hard and one area of the crowd was yelling and
clapping as well as cheering. But yet I never opened my eyes or moved at
ALL!!!! I knew I bombed and did not do a good job for one I didn’t have my own
music and two I closed my eyes and showed that I was scared. As I walk down I’m
discouraged and just the feeling of knowing I didn’t do well killed me and I was
still shaking as I was watching the other performances. But one person dressed
in all “Chicago bulls” gear and Jordan’s with a thick gold rope walks up and
says “yo you got good lyrics bra don’t stay down” and that made me feel a
little bit better. Just the fact that he came and said that on his own accord,
let me know that you could see I was sad though which is not good. As we leave
Erix and his brother are both giving me talks, telling me not to quit and
telling me about “J. cole” and how his first live performance, he stuttered and
wasn’t good either and Erix proceeds to tell me “ Nigga you just performed and
bombed in NY in front of a packed crowd so you can’t do no worse your going to
get better!”
Some months
and I’ve been at juicy couture and my hours are cut short due to low volume in
the store and I am not getting any responses from producers wanting to work
with me after seeing me in the “all of the lights” cover I sent them. The only
response I’m getting is “go to a Soundclick”. So the days and days are dragging
by I don’t have a lot of money and am barely able to pay rent and I’m blessed
in the fact that my best friend Erix is my roommate. With each day that goes by
I get more discouraged as I don’t have money for gas and even food and I’m
thinking to myself “I can’t make it how crazy am I to think I can be a musician
after what has happened?!” As every night approaches I watch either one of my
favorite movies or shows “Bless the child” which is about a little kid whom of
which is autistic but has abilities of telekinesis and is chosen to help the
world by leading them to God but she goes through a lot because the Devil
doesn’t want her to succeed. I would watch that or my favorite tv show called
“Angel” which is a spinoff of the old TV series “Buffy the vampire slayer” it
consists of an evil vampire turned good by receiving a soul from gypsies. So by
receiving a soul he feels remorse for the weak and he wants to redeem himself by
doing good for the world but battles demons and evil in the process. Every
night for months I watched these and they gave me solace because for some
reason I felt such a connection with the stories and the main characters. What
I’m about to tell you is not for the weak and I don’t want you to feel sorry
for me, but just believe in your own dreams and desires. I will never forget
this night because I had not eaten and I didn’t want to ask my parents for any
more help because for one I hated it and two I felt like this is my life and
dream and I have to decide if I’m going continue on it or quit. So this
particular night I had not eaten and I’m in my room with all the lights off and
I’m talking to God asking him why do I have to go through these things and I’m
not trying to hurt anyone nor do I want to succeed for selfish ambitions but to
just help others. I’m in tears telling him I have already been through what I
consider hell being in a mental hospital, going through being made fun of in
high school to having to move back from California in 2010. And I’m just crying
and crying and thinking to myself, my counselor/psychic friend is wrong, there
is no way I’m going to make it there’s no way!!
So as I lay
down and fall asleep, I wake up the next day with a phone call and it’s my old
boss from athletes foot on Miami beach asking me if I wanted to come back!!! Of
course I accepted the offer and just like that I have a full time job again and
inside myself I was thinking just last night you were bitching at God about not
helping you or looking out for you and I apologized to him. My next session of
counseling my counselor was telling me that my road was not going to get easier
and I had to understand that God is always there for us, but there are lessons
and things we need to learn to make and shape us into who we need to be or
aspire to be but with that being said the strength is in us if we really aspire
our dreams and ultimate goals. From there I began working at “the foot “as it
was nicknamed and the funny thing as I wasn’t at the same store, but in “the
hood” which was drastically different than what I was used to including the
staff. So instead of taking one bus to work I was taking 2 which I hated, but I
just kept my mind on my dream of music and always trying to figure out what and
how I was going to record new music. Everyday I got home from work I would go
get my liquor of choice and look up beats and just began writing and writing
and loving the routine because I could relieve myself of emotion and just zone
out to another world.
It’s May 23rd
and I’m just feeling so great and looking forward to the future and what’s
coming as I have been imprisoned by so much worry of what can come next or the
next challenge and how hard it will be but as I have learned from all that I
have been through so far is that I determine the outcome and that no matter
what I am stronger than any mountain because I’m within Jesus Christ so I can
ride anything that comes my way because I’m a “rider”. With that being said I
think back to February and running on the treadmill at the YMCA and watching my
motivational videos on YouTube from which are a huge influence in my life and
have been since I lived in Miami and hit ground zero and had to change in my
life and really focus. But as I was saying I was running and just thinking
about the move back here to LA and how the first time I failed and had to move
back home and was baker acted in the mental hospital. And I didn’t show my mom
or anyone else how scared I was because for me this was like the ultimate test
because I felt and still do that this is my last shot at being here and
pursuing. As I got on mile 3 I watched whom of which is my favorite video
makers his channel on Youtube is “Mateusz m” and I was watching the newest
video he made called “hero” and this one was about a pro skater who failed
repeatedly in competitions and in one specificly he broke his ankle but still
kept competing and In one part they asked the skater “your seriously injured
are you gonna take this next run?” and he responded “ I’m Taking every run” and
as I’m typing this I can’t stop tearing up because it mirrors my life. The
skater believed that he could prevail no matter how many injuries he had and
the competitions previous to this one in the video he failed at landing the
most important one and this time with the injury of a broken ankle he landed it
and won the competition!!! I had to have watched that video 3 or 4 times as I
ran because it had so much in it as all of his videos do about life and they're
so real. This particular one had some Eric Thomas parts in it too about staying
focused on one thing and not quitting until it’s done. I was thinking the
entire run about what would come next because this whole move was at the time
unknown and I had been through so much already in Miami from losing my car to
not having money for food, but one thing that hit me was that I still believed
in my dream and I still wrote songs and still planned campaigns in the mist of
every issue In private I may have cried a lot but I made it through.
I feel like
if I hadn’t been through all these different experiences I wouldn’t be who I am
today and I know that sounds so cliché because it’s used so much and loosely.
But I say to you that I mean it like I feel these situations made me see things
and life so differently than I did before like different parts of myself I have
discovered and more value has been put into perspective of what matters. Like
before I got put into the mental hospital and was younger, I had no sense of
value of life like I was living for the moment and for the next thrill and next
party I wasn’t living for the future and I DIDN’T HAVE ANY GOALS! I had no
sense of a “go get them” type of attitude at all. For years I just cared about
getting all the freshest clothes which I still do but it’s not first on my list
of priorities, But yeah I just wanted to party every weekend and I just talked
about acting because at the time I noticed I liked the concept of film so I got
acting coaching from a coach and went on castings and did book commercials but
I was not “all In” at all I still was out every weekend and bragging that I was
an actor and saying things to people like “ yeah I’m booked for this indie
movie and I have this and that and really I didn’t have SHIT!! The movies I did
get cast for didn’t come through because of funding so in essence I did not
have SHIT! I think about this part of my
life sometimes and I chuckle to myself because I was a clown. I say this
because this type of attitude led all the way until I moved to California the
first time and I was in the American academy of dramatic arts at the age of 25
and I got In easily because anything on camera I do naturally, which I don’t
abuse or take lightly anymore because it’s a gift and I’m grateful for it but
back then I did it so naturally that it was second nature and I didn’t really
care too much. Like think about it, I’m in an acting academy In LA and instead
of being focused and listen out what needs to be done I’m partying every weekend
hardcore!! And not looking for a job because my parents will have my back. And
I’m having stints of depression which happens regularly, but I feel I could
have handled them better if I had the structure. But sure enough, I’m out of LA
in no time. Like I know everything happens for a reason, because I figured out
who I really was in the hospital. Like I reflect a lot and I know I am a
completely different person than before. Like any time I think about music or
my projects or any goal I tear up because it’s all I want and can’t see myself
doing anything else but being there for the world like I feel that
“purpleandstars” and music chose me I didn’t choose it. Like when you're
supposed to do something and it’s for the right reasons, there will be little
glimmers of light to show you to keep going that’s why I always have the “light
at the end of the tunnel” reference in my songs because at least for me in my
life that’s how I take things. For example, when I wrote the song “MINE” and
recorded it, I thought it was awesome and the beat was sick, but I had no idea
and I’m sure Erix didn’t either that It would blow up on YouTube getting over a
million views like it did. But when I saw how it was getting views it was my glimmer
of light at that time because everything was a challenge but yet transforming
including my life and different aspects of it. Because the will and love of
music and the picture of me performing at award shows and standing for “good”
was getting stronger everyday.
Last but not
On this day
of the 27th, of May I write to you after going over my finances and
my dream and where I’m at with goals. Its the small things sometimes that keep
hope alive, I’ve come to realize. I’ve been working hard on trying not to
spread myself too thin on certain aspects of my music situation so I’ve been
trying to figure out how things could pan out within the next month. I have
been having the attitude lately though that everything is going to work out as
it should and everything is great and it’s been coming naturally everyday. One
person that added to that mood after a funny convo yesterday is my very close
friend Barbie Jean aka “Bambi Miles” and I got permission to say her name, I
would never just put a person out there. But Barbie and I met back in late 2012
and it was funny how it happened. I
remember walking past her store” I phone factory” in “The grand” in Miami it’s
a small but efficient shop that sales anything and everything to do with the iPhone
and it also repairs all apple products. So after working out at the gym
upstairs (joelupos) I thought I should go into that shop and ask about my
charger for my iPhone since it doesn’t work all the time. So I went in and
there stood behind the counter an exceedingly cute petite tan woman in her twenties
stylishly dressed with long hair. As I start to ask about my charger she just
stares with an expression like “This better not be a dumb question”. After that
day we just became friends because she always came out of nowhere with
hilarious quotes and always pointed out the obvious and the truth. As time went
on we became very close because there was just a natural chemistry in the way
we viewed things and an aspect of her personality I wish I had because she
doesn’t care about what anyone thinks and she says what she wants ALL THE
TIME!! And did I mention she was hilarious? The perfect way to describe the
friendship is like that kid you were best friends with at summer camp. As I met
her, she came at a time where I needed another like minded person in my life
that understood certain things. With that being said, God is always there for
us and looking out for us even when we don’t think he is. We always have to
realize that we should step back and look at our situation and be grateful for
we what we do have because I have been reflecting on Miami and I had family
there and they were there for me all the time from my best friend Erix to my
counselor and aunt Rose and Barbie to My God sister Jackie to Paul and my
friends at athletes foot. I was blessed. When we're truly grateful it brings
good energy because whatever we were in at that time is temporary they always
are especially painful. What helps me is that whatever pain I’m in its
temporary it won’t be there for my entire life, but if I quit it will last a
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